Social Media Inner Light Embodiment Erasmus+ youth Exchange

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project mobility has realized inIstanbul between 24 September – 4 October 2021 in Istanbul,Turkey. The project hosted by Youth Eurasia with thepartnership of 6 partner organizations from Romania, France,Austria, Spain, Greece and Lithuania. The project aim isdeveloping the skills, knowledge and competences of youngpeople to analyze objectively their own internet usage practicesand their critical thinking on social media by using non-formallearning methods.

The mobility of SMILE project has hosted 37 participants out of14 with fewer opportunities in 18-26 years old range and 9youth leaders and youth workers from partner organizations.The project activities was designed to show negative effects ofthe media space at all levels of society and at all ages. Theactivites was focusing to increase the level of awareness on thisissue and to cause people to use the online environment.

Download Project Booklet

Partner Organisations


Topics Of SMILE Project

Meaning of Social Media

Negative Effects ofMedia

How can social networksaffect our daily life?

Communication andMemory

Critical Thinking

Cyber bullying

Visiting local authorities

Fake news vs False newsMedia manipulation

The benefits ERASMUS+

Propaganda Methods /Conflict Management

Online ID / OnlineFootprint

Cyber Security

Where to spend time oninternet?

YOUTHPASS Certificate

Local Activity 

On the 6th day of mobility inSMILE project,

participantshad chance to meet and holdQ&A session with a socialmedia expert Erem Şentürk.He had panel speech andQ&A with our participantsregarding to social mediaduring the mobility.

Also the mayor of BasaksehirMunicipality has welcome participants and introduced the related worksof youth centers andmunicipality.The participants hasexplored Youtube Academy,Radio Basaksehir, e gamescenter and living lab whereyoung people use the digitalspace for entrepreneurshipand  self development. Ourparticipants had chance toobserve practical activitiesrelated to new media and technology.  

Afterwards, the Mayor ofBasaksehir Municipality whichis the local partner of YouthEurasia has invited SMILEproject participants to exploreTurkish cuisine and participantshad dinner altogether withYasin KARTOĞLU, the mayor ofBasaksehir Municipality.

Partners Contributions& Re-Shares

Following the mobility of Social Media Inner Light EmbodimentErasmus+ youth Exchange project in Istanbul, participants hasbrough their experince to the partner organisations and theirlocal communities through workshops, social media shares andcontents. Partner organisations from Romania, France,Lithuania, Greece and Austria has contributed to the spread ofSMILE project outcomes with wider public.






8 Key Competences

At the end of mobility, participants of Social Media Inner LightEmbodiment Erasmus+ Youth

Exchange project has recievedYouthpass certificates. Youthpass has and it’s 8 keycompetences has been introduced to the participants and 8 keycompetences acquired during the mobility has been discussed.

SMILE In The Media

At the end of mobility, participants of Social Media Inner LightEmbodiment Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project has recievedYouthpass certificates. Youthpass has and it’s 8 key competences has been introduced to the participants and 8 keycompetences acquired during the mobility has been discussed.

Sabah Media
Hurriyet Media
Sosyal Media



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