Registrations for "Greek language courses for foreigners in Thessaloniki" have started at Cultural Center of Babylonia.

Greek is an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages, native mainly to Greece and some other parts of the Eastern Mediterranean. During antiquity, Greek was a widely spoken lingua franca in the Mediterranean world and it would eventually become the official parlance of the Byzantine Empire and develop into Medieval Greek. In its modern form, Greek is the official language in two countries, Greece and Cyprus and is spoken by at least 13.2 million people today in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Albania, Turkey where there are traditional Greek-speaking settlements and regions.

About its characteristics, the phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary of the language show both conservative and innovative tendencies. Greek words have been widely borrowed into other languages, including English: mathematics, physics, astronomy, democracy, philosophy, theatre, etc.

Greek has been written in the Greek alphabet since approximately the 9th century BC. It was created by modifying the Phoenician alphabet, with the innovation of adopting certain letters to represent the vowels. The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, each with an uppercase and lowercase form.

The historical unity between the various stages of the Greek language is often emphasized. Although Greek has undergone morphological and phonological changes, never since classical antiquity has its cultural, literary and orthographic tradition been interrupted so that one can speak of a new language emerging. Greek speakers today still tend to regard literary works off ancient Greek as part of their own language.



Course Lenght: 2 months*, 40 hours

Tuition Fees: 80 €

Certificate of Attendance: After the completion of the course students will receive certificate of attendance. 

(*at the end of the course there is a chance to expand the seminar with two more months)

Once per week

A1 LEVEL: WEDNWSDAY 20:15-22:30

A2 LEVEL: THURSDAY 20:15-22:30

Course Lenght: 4 months, 40 hours

Tuition Fees: 80 €

Certificate of Attendance: After the completion of the course students will receive certificate of attendance.

The fees are paid in two parts.

Courses will be taught by experienced teachers.

Further information:

AddressLordoy Vyronos 3, Thessaloniki (City center)

Tel.: 0030 2316 00 8305 (daily 11:00-21:00)

Mobile: 0030 694 723 8850 (daily 11:00-21:00)


Please fill in the application form below to pre-register


Για τις γλώσσες σημειώστε την ΓΛΩΣΣΑ και το ΕΠΙΠΕΔΟ που σας ενδιαφέρει ( πχ. Α1- ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ,B2-TOYRKIKA) (For greek language choose your level etc. Greek LEVEL A1, Greek LEVEL A2...)
Τα τμήματα είναι γραμμένα στην σχετική ανακοίνωση.(Πχ. Δευτέρα 19:30-21:45 )- the hours of courses (etc. Monday 19.30-21-45)
Η εγγραφή σας θα ολοκληρωθεί με την καταβολή της 1ης συνδρομής.Θα τηρηθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας με βάσει την ημερομηνία καταβολής της 1ης δόσης, καθώς συχνά ο αριθμός των αιτήσεων υπερβαίνει τον αριθμό των συμμετεχόντων ανά σεμινάριο Παρακαλώ περάστε από την γραμματεία του Κέντρου μας για την τακτοποίησή της πριν την έναρξη του σεμιναρίου. Your registration will be valid only by deposing the half tuition fee. Please pass by our place to complete your registration prior the beginning of the courses.
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